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Re: Need expert help

Dear Inna,

There is a song, Gut shabes aykh, which is sung to the same tune as Shabbat
Shalom.  The lyrics are:  Gut shabes aykh (2x), gut shabes alemen, gut
shabes aych.(2x) Shabes, shabes, gut shabes alemen (2x).  Gut shabes aykh
(2x), gut shabes alemen, gut shabes aych.

At 02:38 AM 09/14/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear jewish-music mavens,
>I run the site Zemerl (, which is a
>database of Jewish song lyrics, etc.  I often get questions from visitors
>to the site, and I dig up my own resources to try to help them. However,
>these questions stumped me, so I turn to the experts for help. I think
>these people would appreciate responses to their queries.
>Thanks in advance! (if you're not sending the responses to the list, i
>would appreciate you CC'ing them to me -thanks).
>Inna - The Klez Dispensers
>(Posted by Michael Rice)
>       I am searching for Maks Goldins' arrangements (voice,
>       violin, piano) of 18 Jewish Folk Songs (World: Wilson
>       Editions, 1995). I have a beautiful recording of them by the
>       Latvian soprano Inessa Galante, but have been unable to
>       locate the printed music. If you can help with any
>       information, please e-mail me )MVRSC (at) aol(dot)com(dot)
>We need the lyrics to "it's a tree of life" for my daughters bat
>       mitzvah...any help would be great. thanks -
>       bbsams (at) aol(dot)com
>(Posted by Elisabeth Strvmberg)
>       I'm looking for the song "Gott shabes eych", but I can't find
>       it, not even here in your great database! - 011174049 (at) telia(dot)com
>(Posted by Zelda Katz ) - zelda (at) post(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il
>       My father used to talk about a song "Lomir shpiln a liebe",
>       sung by Sarah Gorby. I have never been able to find a
>       recording, or the words. Can you help? A groisn dank aich! 
Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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