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Re: Banner ads on the List

At 01:22 PM 7/30/99 -0400, you wrote:
>(This is not an attack, lest I be accused of same.)
>Are eye-catching, colorful banner advertisements a la Von Drashek okay
>for the rest of us with something to market to the List, then?
>Your silence in the face of several objections about the Captains's
>adverts from List Members would signal assent.  Please correct me if I'm

As I have been quite vocal, often, repeatedly, and repetitively, if there 
are problems with people on the list, they will be handled via private

You may take it as a given, however, that if a certain behavior causes
public complaints to the list, it's probably not something to which you
want to contribute, whether or not I take a public stand.

What I don't understand is why anyone on this list would choose to 
publicly embarrass someone else merely because his or her chosen mode
of expression differs from the norm, or why you would prefer to censor
it. Some people choose to post personal attacks several pages long. 
Others have animated signatures advertising their products without
attacking anyone. I am not going to take a public stand unless there 
are personal attacks, or unless someone attacks the right or ability 
of others to post. If I am discussing issues with someone by private 
e-mail, it is, and will remain, private.

Respect for differences are easy for all of us when people are different
our way. The official policy of this list is to respect the difficult
differences, as well. I trust that is not a problem, and if so, that we
can discuss it by private mail.

I thank you for emphasizing that yours was just a query, not an attack.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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