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Re: Banner ads on the List

At 03:41 PM 7/30/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Maybe I'm having a bad day, but I don't understand what you wrote.
>That is, it seems that I don't understand the contents of what you
>wrote.  And I read it several times.  So I'm not sure whether I agree
>or disagree with your position.  Since I'm not sure what it is.

It's simple. The person in question made three postings to the list.
All were germane, although they may have been hard to understand given
what surrounded them. (They were also, nicely, elliptically wry, but
that may only be my own perception.)

I agree that what surrounded them was unacceptable and, being unable
to resolve the issue with the person, he was dropped from the list 
yesterday, when a third posting followed two prior, escalated warnings.

But I also feel strongly that the repeated posts to this list were
also inappropriate. Someone was even raising the spectre of antisemitism
(this on a day when I have already been accused over over-reacting
in calling something racist).

Not all information comes in comfortably pre-packaged forms.
Surely, it was not too much to ask that if people had concerns
they go first to me via private e-mail, and surely it was inappropriate
for people to send posts to the list insulting the person in question.
The moreso, as it was obvious from the posting style if nothing
else, that the person may have been different, but certainly not 
(in my own opinion) deliberately offensive.

I am sorry I lack the ability to be more articulate on this subject,
but to gang up and attack the incapable or insensitive is most
unfortunate. Surely some tolerance, if only to query me and ask
if some attempt was being made to work with him, was in order.

A good shabbes to you all,

Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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