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Re: Jewish Music Mag?

GAronoff (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> The question about celebs in our still theoretical Jewish music mag is not if
> celebs would be willing to be interviewed in a serious niche publication, I'm
> sure many would.  The question is more on how the publication would look, be
> financed and marketed.  Certain sales assumptions could be made about a
> glossy mag that has the beastie boys on the cover that could not if the mag
> highlighted advances in nusach.  This is true even if the content, reviews,
> features on serious Jewish artists, etc was more or less the same.
> I'm quite agnostic about the choice, but it does seem to be key to decided if
> this publication is financially possible.
> Gideon

this may surprise many list members given my spirited discussion with robert
weiner regarding my reviewing of Jewish artists whose music has no Jewish
content, but I would be a bit uncomfortable with cover stories on such 
(I contradict myself? Very well, I contain multitudes. Walt Whitman among them.)
It always raises my hackles when Jazz Times or the even more deplorable Jazziz
put people like Clint Eastwood or Bill Cosby (both admirable for their support 
the music)  on their covers in a blatant attempt to sell magazines -- the number
of white musicians on the covers of those two publications is wildly
disproportionate to the importance of those musicians.

then again, i'm not celebrated for my commercial acumen.

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