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Jewish Music Mag?

Just my P.S.:  It's not necessarily a black-and-white situation.  A 
(relatively) small "niche" publication could still include interviews w/ 
(mass-appeal) celebs, if contact were successfully made w/ them (I've been, 
as it happens, quite successful at such in other media/situations) and they 
agreed to do it.  And if they weren't willing to _be_ interviewed, say, for 
a serious Jewish music magazine, that may be an indication that they don't 
belong in it.--rlc

>From: GAronoff (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: What is the market for Jewish music Mag?
>Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 15:22:33 EDT
>Robert raises an interesting question regarding a print Jewish music
>magazine.  Should it seek to be mass market or should it focus on the much
>more limitted market of musicians who play, and organizations/companies 
>promote, Jewish music?
>To some extent this is a marketing question.  If we want to create a 
>audience for Jewish music, we need to grab people with something they
>recognize or something that will catch their attention.  This argues for
>including celebrity profiles even if they may be secondary to core Jewish
>music.  Barbara Streisand, the Beastie Boys, Dylan, etc would help sell
>magazines in a store like Borders.  These features need not be total fluff,
>but could involve serious discussions with popular artists on their Jewish
>backgrounds and the impact of their Jewishness on their music.
>However, every piece on Kenny G's Jewish heritage takes away space from the
>coverage of new liturgical music, traditional Klezmer, etc.  Also, these
>pieces open up the danger of diluting people's definition of Jewish music 
>a point where the music becomes an ethnic name game.  So, a nice small 
>publication might, as Robert says, be a better starting point rather than
>seeking to expand.
>My question for the list is has anyone tried to estimate how small a niche 
>really are discussing?  Is it large enough to support this type of print
>publication?  I have some doubts if the examples of Davka or Pakn Treger
>(both Jewish niche publications) are any indication.  Davka has become the
>webzine Tattoo Jew and I am not sure what is happening with Pakn Treger 
>it hasn't made it to Washington DC recently.

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