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Re: Jewish music magazine

Nobody will review your work unless they know about it.  Publishers
routinely send review copies of books and music to magazines. (We are our
own publisher.) We thought that because of the content of our  "Prayer for
a Broken World" we should ask Tikkun whom we should contact, and they
suggested the book editor who did not reply.  Then one of our members
noticed that Jack Gabriel's writing in the magazine showed he might be
interested in our music and sent him a copy.  It was Mr. Gabriel's choice
to write the review.

And, George, even if you hadn't said you like our music, if a magazine will
publish your reviews, whether they pay you or not, we'd be happy to send
you a review copy.

Gut Vokh (have a good week),

Yosl (Joe) Kurland
The Wholesale Klezmer Band
Colrain, MA 01340
voice/fax: 413-624-3204

At 2:11 PM -0400 7/23/99, George Robinson wrote:
>Wholesale Klezmer Band wrote:
>> Tikkun published a review of one of our albums last summer.  It took
>> searching until we found a writer there who was interested in the subject.
>Whoa! Am I missing something here? Does this mean that you guys had to find a
>reviewer yourselves? What are editors getting paid for at Tikkun? (Are editors
>getting paid at Tikkun? Well, that's another issue.)
>Also, no disrespect to Wholesale Klezmer, whose work I like a great deal,
>but if
>you found the reviewer isn't there a little conflict-of-interest issue here?
>By the way, conflicts of interest aside, if anyone here is looking for a
>reviewer who will write for money, I'm available!
>Only half-jokingly,
>-- George Robinson

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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