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Re: Jewish music magazine
- From: George Robinson <GRComm...>
- Subject: Re: Jewish music magazine
- Date: Fri 23 Jul 1999 18.13 (GMT)
Wholesale Klezmer Band wrote:
> Tikkun published a review of one of our albums last summer. It took
> searching until we found a writer there who was interested in the subject.
Whoa! Am I missing something here? Does this mean that you guys had to find a
reviewer yourselves? What are editors getting paid for at Tikkun? (Are editors
getting paid at Tikkun? Well, that's another issue.)
Also, no disrespect to Wholesale Klezmer, whose work I like a great deal, but if
you found the reviewer isn't there a little conflict-of-interest issue here?
By the way, conflicts of interest aside, if anyone here is looking for a
reviewer who will write for money, I'm available!
Only half-jokingly,
-- George Robinson
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