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reviews of Jewish music

It's likely that Tikkun would accept music reviews from freelancers,
just as it accepts manuscripts from freelancers.  With all the
knowledge and writing talent on this list (this is fast becoming an
ideological catch-phrase, like "wine-dark sea"), surely somebody would
like to start deluging Tikkun with record reviews.  I think it would
catch on. (I'd do it myself, had I any record-reviewing experience.)


On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Wholesale Klezmer Band wrote:

> >At 10:18 AM 7/23/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >>I would venture to say that Tikkun's lack of Jewish music coverage is for
> >the
> >>same reason that most colleges with Jewish Studies programs have no Jewish
> >>music componant; our intellectual heritage has generally kept its distance
> >>from music.  This hopefully will change soon.  --Hankus
> >>
> Tikkun published a review of one of our albums last summer.  It took
> searching until we found a writer there who was interested in the subject.
> You can see it at:
> Zayt gezunt (be healthy),
> Yosl (Joe) Kurland
> The Wholesale Klezmer Band
> Colrain, MA 01340
> voice/fax: 413-624-3204

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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