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Re: What is the market for Jewish music Mag?

Gideon Aranoff writes:

> Robert raises an interesting question regarding a print Jewish music 
> magazine.  Should it seek to be mass market or should it focus on the much 
> more limitted market of musicians who play, and organizations/companies that 
> promote, Jewish music?

Go for the mass market.

> To some extent this is a marketing question.  If we want to create a broader 
> audience for Jewish music, we need to grab people with something they 
> recognize or something that will catch their attention.  This argues for 
> including celebrity profiles even if they may be secondary to core Jewish 
> music.  Barbara Streisand, the Beastie Boys, Dylan, etc would help sell 
> magazines in a store like Borders.  These features need not be total fluff, 
> but could involve serious discussions with popular artists on their Jewish 
> backgrounds and the impact of their Jewishness on their music. 

To grab people's attention, the magazine should come with a CD containing music
to accompany the feature articles and some tracks from new releases.  I'm sure
that artists and record labels would be thrilled by the marketing opportunity 
would create.

> [...]

-- Bill B.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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