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RE: Concert of Music from Terezin

On May 2, 1999 in a service held at 9 AM and repeated at 11 AM, the
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship at 21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown,
NJ  will devote their annual remembrance of the Holocaust to a program 
honoring the memory of the artists and musicians of the Theresienstadt prison 

The program will present music and art created at Terezin, as well as
poetry and drawings immortalized in the book, I NEVER SAW ANOTHER

The performers are pianist, Mimi Sterne-Wolfe; baritone Frederick Frey;
and soprano, Marilyn Spesak. The program will include vocal works by
Viktor Ullmann and Gideon Klein as well as Klein's rarely performed Sonata
for Piano.

Admission is free. THe Unitarian Church is 5 minutes from Morristown's NJ
Transit train station, where there should be cabs. There are 8:45 and 9:45
AM trains out of Penn Station for the hour-long ride.

(Don't be fooled by the church venue; this is a genuine Jewish concert
organized by Jewish musicians. It looks very worthwhile.)

Eliott Kahn

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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