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Re: Debbie Friedman

She performed VERY recently in Michigan (my good friend got to talk to
her for a while) and she is doing wonderfully.  I saw her for ten days at
a convention this summer.  She was up at Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute
for Collel, the college Jewish intensive program that I was at and then
for Hava Nashira, the songleader's workshop.  She DID recently come out
with a new wonderful album entitled THE WORLD OF YOUR DREAMS.  For
catalog info you can write to SOUNDS WRITE PRODUCTIONS INC., PO box
608078, San Diego CA, 92160-8078.  I've only seen her in concert once (in
Cincinnati) but I spent the ten days with her at Collel and she is not
only very talented but an amazing person.  --Heather Austern, Brandeis U.

On Sun, 13 Mar 1994, Henry L. Lefkowitz wrote:

> Has anyone seen Debbie Friedman perform recently.  I had heard a rumor that
> she had not been well, then I saw a listing of her performing at some
> event.  How is she doing these days?  Does she have a new album?

> --
> Henry L. Lefkowitz
> henryl (at) clark(dot)net


Topic No. 36

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