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Inquiry on Yiddish/Hebrew Song

Perhaps someone on this list can help with tracking down a recording of a
Yiddish/Hebrew Song. 

At one of our recent dance workshops in New York, a well-known Israeli
choreographer and teacher, Yonatan Gabai, introduced an Eastern European
style couple dance (a little like a contra-dance version of the Sher) done
to an instrumental piece of music that he called Hineh Lanu Nigun Yesh.  I
was subsequently informed that there were Hebrew lyrics which are based on
those of an old Yiddish folk song whose name is probably something like
Nigun fum Nachas (in Hebrew that would translate as Nigun Shel Nachat).
Does anyone on this list know anything about such a song and where a
recording with the lyrics in Yiddish and/or Hebrew can be obtained? 
A Shanem Dank,

Haim Kaufman
Rikuday Dor Rishon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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