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Re: persian/klezmer dance

>do you know the name of the persian band or have  a contact?
>I play violin with a middle-eastern music and dance group which last year
>had a guest dancer who was researching persian dance (with difficulty). I
>really enjoyed the music and the dance she was doing was quite different to
>beledi etc.

"Persian-sounding" is a far-cry from "Persian," Emil, but I've
e-mailed Michael Alpert to ask if he has contact info on the bands
that played at this festival. Both bands were more influenced by 
Persian music than by the Ashkenazic influences with which I am 
more familiar, but we are talking about specifically Jewish culture
is two disparate regions in the former Soviet Union, presumably 
primarily influenced by the local cultures of those areas (Caucasus
and Bukhara, if I have my regions right--but I'm not even sure which
states, post-breakup).

What I did find fascinating is that this is equally remote from the
Sephardic Jewish culture with which we are all a bit familiar, too. 

For authentic Persian dance, you'd probably want to contact
Iranian groups, specifically.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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