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Re: The Music of the Mountain Jews

Am interested in purchasing this CD from you. Also, there is new one out by
Kenny G. and a Cantor, whose name escapes me, that I would like to order. No
one in Tucson has ever heard of the Kenny G. CD...but I just know you'll know.

Also, yesterday I was at Hear's Music and told them about your knowledge and
unique selection of music. They said to ask for anyone, because I believe they
all make contacts and order from a myriad of sources.  So, here's the info:

                Hear's Music, Inc.
                2508 N. Campbell Ave.
                Tucson, AZ 85719-3303
                Phone in Tuc:  (520)795-1875

You can say that you were referred to me. I am sure (unless a new employee)
that they will know my name, as I was there twice this week. Just ask for
anyone that knows me if they need a frame of reference.

Sorry it took so long. Have been away from Tucson, but am back for now. Hope
all is well.

Best regards,

Linda Levy

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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