Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: Hazanut - Jewish Liturgical Music List?

>Certainly if there is a separate list for Jewish Liturgical Music 
>(JLM)--Is this assumed to refer only to "art," as opposed to folk, music 
>for prayer?--I will want, or need, to be on it.  But I wanted to share, 
>w/ the list as well as Stephen, a serious reservation--which is that I 
>regret, and disapprove of, the separating out of "liturgical" Jewish 
>music from Jewish music generally;


In general I agree with you, and hope that chazanut and liturgical
music issues will be a growing part of this list, but I think it
is entirely fair and appropriate for people to also participate 
in more specialized lists. 

The goal isn't to try to force everyone and every discussion onto
one list, but to help ensure that there is sufficient vitality and
variety such that more people are encouraged to note these subjects
as worth discussing, and more people are engaged by them. Part of
that diversity is going to be (I hope) the growth of even more
specialized lists, compared to this list (which, in its origin,
was considered superfluous by some who felt that the relevant
discussion could easily be on the world music lists, and so on.)


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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