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Re: Hazanut - Jewish Liturgical Music List?

Certainly if there is a separate list for Jewish Liturgical Music 
(JLM)--Is this assumed to refer only to "art," as opposed to folk, music 
for prayer?--I will want, or need, to be on it.  But I wanted to share, 
w/ the list as well as Stephen, a serious reservation--which is that I 
regret, and disapprove of, the separating out of "liturgical" Jewish 
music from Jewish music generally; I think it conveys an unhealthy, and 
inauthentic, separation of "religion" from Jewish life generally--there 
is no separate word for "religion" in the Torah--and I wish you wouldn't 
do it.                                                                          
Many of the subjects addressed in/by the list don't interest me 
OF THEIR POSTS I'm always free to ignore messages that I don't think 
will interest me--and sometimes, I learn things that unexpectedly _are_ 
of interest when I check them out.  I feel about a separate JLM list 
something like the way I feel about separate women's prayer 
services--I'm certainly entirely supportive of their right to hold them, 
but I wish they wouldn't be (or wouldn't seem to their founders to be) 
necessary (though I understand why some Orthodox women feel they are), 
as they undermine the unity of the Jewish people at prayer. Here such a 
rending seems entirely _un_necessary, since liturgical music aficianados 
(like me) are as free as anyone else to share our musings.  Besides 
which, the division is unnatural, as folk and liturgical music are 
intertwined--in our tradition and in its contemporary expressions.  Many 
klezmer or "fusion klezmer" recordings include settings of liturgy, for 
example; folk and popular melodies are, as we've discussed, borrowed for 
liturgy; issues of "What is Jewish Music?" cross liturgical vs. 
non-liturgical lines (exactly).  Don't do this!

>From owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org Wed Feb  3 13:43:05 1999
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>Message-ID: <36B8C32D(dot)A6D538D9 (at) shani(dot)net>
>Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 23:44:13 +0200
>From: Stephen <steves (at) shani(dot)net>
>Reply-To: steves (at) shani(dot)net
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (Win95; I)
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>To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Hazanut - Jewish Liturgical Music List?
>References: <3(dot)0(dot)5(dot)32(dot)19990201200620(dot)007bd4d0 (at) 
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>List members,
>A great deal of the material referred to on this list is Klezmer and
>'modern' Jewish slanted music. Very few of the subscribers discuss
>Jewish liturgical choral music (JLM) and hazanut that I am particuarly
>interested in. I get loads of emails from this list on topics that I
>can't (at this stage) get too involved in (Jewish Cowboys, etc.!!!)
>that are obviously of great interest to many subscribers.
>My particular interest in JLM derives from having started two choirs
>in Rehovot (Israel) dedicated to demonstrating the richness of our JLM
>heritage to Israelis who have never had any contact with "shul music".
>I was considering starting a list on this topic to help facilitate the
>distribution of JLM , but I don't wish to duplicate/compete with an
>existing list. See the Sulzer site for an example of what can be done
>- (look at page 15 in particular - reach it via
>   The 'slower' site is without the ads
>regrettably inserted by 'fortunecity'.
>Can anyone suggest an existing list that specifically handles this
>Many thanks to you all in anticipation.
>Stephen Simpson
>Stephen Simpson
>Tel. +972-8-9456636
>Fax: +972-8-9456646
>E-mail: steves (at) shani(dot)net
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