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Re: Zhankoye

Hi Isabelle and List,

There is a book on Jews in the Soviet Union titled "A Century of
Ambivalence" (I think that's correct) which talks about Jewish collective
farms in the Crimea, and has some photographs.  The book as a whole is
excellent, and also has sections on the "minority" Mountain Jewish and
Georgian communities.  (One of my immigrant friends found a photograph of
her cousin in it!).  I'm blocking on the author's name, but if it doesn't
come back to me soon I'll try to look it up in my files.

BTW, from what I remember of the book, it was de rigueur for Jewish
farmers to raise pigs - but I do believe there were one or two
"transitional" farms where traditions were tolerated.  I'll try to pick
the book up at school tomorrow.  The whole parshah of Jews in the early
Soviet Union is fascinating - and heartbreaking if you know that it was
going to end with the Doctor's Plot and Stalin (yemach sh'mo) murdering
Solomon Michoels and so many others, not to mention the many, many along
the way who were murdered or imprisoned for trying to keep the Torah or
simply resisting the demands of the Yevsektsia.

Rochel Sara

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