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Re: klezmer recommendation please

>In a message dated 31/01/99 01:36:58 GMT, David writes:
>> I have Joel Rubin's Bergovsky's khasene CD and am hooked on it. I am
>>  looking for more klezmer CDs with a similar style and as good.
>>  Any recommendations?
>In a similar style, and my favourite CD of all time, is Budowitz' "Mother
>Tongue: Music of the 19th Century Klezmorim" - I just adore this and cannot
>wait for another one from them. Also try Rubin & Horowitz "Bessarabian

Budowitz is good, but the most exciting recording of that style is the 
new Di Naye Kapelye that I just reviewed at


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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