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Re: Kinky Jewish Music

That sounds, to borrow a mock-yiddish term, "farfetched."  Rosten, in "The Joys
of Yiddish," has some other possible derivations that seem more likely, in terms
of how the word might have entered the gentile vernacular

Reuben Radding wrote:

> Actually, according to James Yaffe's THE AMERICAN JEWS, the slang term
> "kike" was coined by Jews to refer to new Russian jewish immigrants to
> America. Supposedly the term comes from the fact that so many  of their
> names ended in "ki."

Owen Davidson
Amherst  Mass
The Wholesale Klezmer Band

The Angel that presided o'er my birth
Said Little creature formd of Joy and Mirth
Go Love without the help of any King on Earth

Wm. Blake

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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