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Kinky Jewish Music

Remember Kinky's famous line: "Is it true that I am a sexist, or just holding
up a mirror to sexism."

Either way, I think there is more to Kinky than political incorrectness, real
or manufactured.  Besides being a skilled mystery writer and storyteller, he
has done numerous serious country songs that are very beautiful.  "Thin Ice"
and "Ride Em Jewboy" are just two examples.

Also, as a Jewish musician/writer, Kinky also is important.  While some may
cringe at the image he presents, Kinky holds himself out as a no-holds barred
Jew in cultural life, and even works with explicitly Jewish content.  He isn't
embarrassed or quiet.  All of this I see as a plus in a cultural landscape
where most of the most prominent Jewish (at least by ethnicity) artists shy
away from Jewish content.  Kinky also presents an image of Jews as hip and
irreverent that can attract some who are alienated from a Jewish life they
find overly serious and stodgy.  This type of hip Jewish culture certainly can
be made without sexist comments, but shouldn't be totally ignored because of
those comments.

I would never say that Kinky Friedman is the sum total of Jewish culture, but
I do feel that he makes a valuable contribution through his work, IMO.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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