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RE: Jewish films

-----Original Message-----
From:   owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) 
On Behalf Of Judith R. Cohen
Sent:   Monday, January 11, 1999 6:23 AM
To:     World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:        Re:  Jewish films

You mention Prince of Egypt. Has anyone else seen it? My 12-year-old
daughter and I did , a couple of weeks ago. We were fascinated to see that
appear to have forgotten the matza when leaving Egypt but that the women did
to take along little tambourines ("souvenirs of Egypt - hope
you enjoyed your stay and come back soon!"???) for the Miriam-and-tambourine
scene. Musically, it would make a neat termpaper topic for an
grad student - how symbolic middle eastern elements are embedded
in generic Hollywood "compositions".... Judith

actually I just happened to be reading Shemot last night, and indeed the
women did take souvenirs of Egyptian jewelry with them. Interestingly
enough, the Egyptians later sued for their return when Alexander ruled all
the Middle East.

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