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Re: Klezmer in corporate hands?

Indeed America is so oppresive that people are leaving by the thousands and 
flocking to other lands where life is so much better <sarcasm> 

Perhaps all those people in Cuba, Russia, China have it so much better?

Did they ever catch those terrorists in Arentina who bomed the Jewish Community 

And I guess abortion rights are better in say Ireland?

Let's face it.  Most attacks on the USA are predicated on ENVY.  reminiscent of 
the kind of drivel that drove the Protocals of the Elders of Zion and otehr such

Of course the USA has problems.  And so do the Jews.  this kind of blatant 
chauvinism and racism spekas much more to the prejudices and general mishigaas 
of the observer than of the observed.

No one has stopped me from recording and marketing any music I want to, except 
for the general lack of an audience.

And they'er even replayed Phil Ochs's (alov haSholom) music during the raid on 

And I just saw a TV program discussing Johnson's Vietnam legacy.  As misguided 
as he was, he insisted on NO censorship of the media (yes there was a lot of 
DISinformation) and Johnson allowed himself the luxury of a slow political 
suicide by advocating unpopular stands.  What other country would engage in open
self-criticism as did the USA?  (perhaps Israel).  Switzerland still cannot own 
up to its role in the holocaust.  And Poland might ever give back the property 
stolen from my great-grandparents in Bialystok. 

My 2 cents.

Rich Wolpoe

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Klezmer in corporate hands? 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org> at Tcpgate
Date:    12/29/98 11:31 PM

Dear list-members,

An American friend of mine sent me this, apalled, angered and distressed by 
recent developments in the US. The reason why I forward this bitter 
statement to the list is that he included some words about Jewish Music. 

> US remains the country with more people held in jail than any police 
> state in the world. The criminalization of Black and Latino youth 
> continues unabated. The death penalty has become an acceptable
> "liberal" position. There is an escalating war on immigrants, with raids, 
> concentration camps, and militarized borders. The actual ability of women 
> to obtain abortion is methodically stripped away through gangster action, 
> parental consent, waiting periods, and the denial of government funding. 
> is no foreign military venture of the Bush-Reagan years to which Clinton 
> not wholeheartedly subscribed. The openly racist, misogynist, homophobic 
> and murderous Christian-fundamentalist demands for "family values" and
> preparation for Armageddon continue to fester in growing organized
> networks. The censorship of music and culture has passed directly into 
> corporate hands. This goes for rebel culture and odd music, too - like 
> and Klezmer, both of which you're very fond, I know.

Any comments?

Ingemar J.

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