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Re: Confirmation Project

In a message dated 12/21/98 12:41:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, BASSLES (at) 

<< Subj:         Confirmation Project
 Date:  12/21/98 12:41:50 PM Eastern Standard Time
 From:  BASSLES (at) aol(dot)com
 Sender:        owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
 Reply-to:      jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
 To:    jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org (World music from a Jewish slant.)
 My daughter who is 15 is a fairly accomplished pianist. She has decided to
 play a program of Jewish music for her Confirmation Project. I'm not sure she
 is able to organize the content or even knows what she wants to do. Any
 suggestions for Jewish themes and/or music that would appeal to a teenager?
 Leslie Bass
 Temple Emanu-El
 Dallas, TexaS >>

I do not know how serious the music should be but if she wants to play Debbie
Friedman then there is a book put out by Tara ( I think) of piano arrangements
of her songs set at various different levels.

Judy Tischler at Transcontinental Music, the publishing arm of the UAHC should
be able to help you, as well as the Pasternak's at Tara. You could also ask
your Cantor or any of the excellent temple musicians in Dallas.

Hopes this helps
Cantor Miranda Kark Beckenstein

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