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Re: anti-Semitic music...


Some say that sunlight is the best disinfectant, but my goal is not
great public exposure of anti-Semitic music.  I don't want to
publicize it any more than you do.  I had no idea that "There is a lot
of anti Semitic, anti Black ,etc material being put out by various
Aryan rock groups."  I guess that I shouldn't be surprised, but (until
your post) I was totally unaware of the phenomenon of Aryan rock
groups.  (Since then, a quick internet search revealed something
called "White power music.)  It seems that if you turn over this rock
(of anti-Semitism in our society) you've got to be ready for what
might crawl out.

I wonder about this phenomenon of available recorded anti-Semitic
music.  Not that it's a new thing, but there seems to be more of it
(although still blessedly little and most not mainstream). Is it a
reflection of generally increasing anti-Semitism (that would be in
conflict with a recent study reported in the New York Times)?  Or is
it primarily the result of increased availability of the technology to
make and distribute recordings?  (More likely, in my opinion.)

In any case, my program (if anyone chooses to sponsor it) would be
intended (unlike my other programs) not as entertainment (or
propaganda or publicity), but exclusively as education for Jews just
as you've educated us.  I would ask for warning that only those with
strong stomachs should come (and even then, they probably should skip
lunch).  And I wouldn't expect that anyone would want information on
how to get a copy.  This ain't party music.


P.S. to Alana

My apologies if I wasn't clear.  I made no judgment on "Jap Rap" for
one simple reason -- although I own it, I have never heard it.  (It's
still in the shrink wrap.)  Have you heard it?  I saw the title and
purchased a copy precisely because I thought that it probably is as
you describe it,  and that I might use it as an example of
anti-Semitic and misogynistic music in a program.  Granted, I didn't
want to prejudge it.  After all, I don't consider "Short People" by
the diminutive Randy Newman to be anti short people (although some
people do), but an incisive commentary on those who are.

"Jap Rap might not be considered anti-semitic by you, but it certainly
>IS -Jewish women are also Jews, and there's few things more
misogynist than calling Jewish women JAPs. "


-----Original Message-----
From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com <Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Thursday, December 17, 1998 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: anti-Semitic music...

>In a message dated 12/17/98 11:17:27 AM, you wrote:
>I asked for more information because I've been on the look-out for
>anti-Semitic music developing a program on it.>>
>There is a lot of anit Semitic, anti Black ,etc material being put
out by
>various Aryan rock groups. I do beleive that giving them publicity
>encourages them; since the only time they get publicity is when
Jewish groups
>try to "expose" them. I think most of these recordings only thrive
bedcause of
>the exposure. Without it, they would the Lambada.
>"The road to hell is paved with good intentions...and a lot of bad

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