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Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: list JEWISH-MUSIC: List Message Rejected

> > ---Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky <reyzl (at) flash(dot)net> wrote:
> >  Hanukah records are produced only for Jewish >children as far as I
> >please correct me if I am wrong.
 OK. Correction at hand.
 I recommend, to start with Voice of the Turtle's Hanukah Concert album
They also, by way of correction, put out holiday themed music for
several other holidays, including Pesach. It's good music, and
children might enjoy it, but it certainly isn't"children's music"> most
of which I wouldn't play for children because, by and large, it's
 Like more general "holiday" music for Jews? Try Flory Jagoda, whose
three albums are full of Ladino holiday music. If I recall correctly,
 Shlomo Carlebach put out *tons* of albums, many of which are Shabbat
themed, and that's the most important holiday there is. And yes, there
is no question whatsoever- SHabbat IS a holiday and a Holy Day. In
fact it is THE Holy Day --just because lots of people don't celebrate
it doesn't demote it. And many of the songs which are for Shabbat are
specifically for Shabbat - It's not true that just any music will do.
 Should I go on? There's more: how about Jon Simon, who has put out
several holiday albums of various types? How many examples should I
give? Write me if you don't think the above are enough. There's tons
 of good non-children's holiday music out there.
 nevertheless, who cares if stores label the bins "holiday music,"
instead of "Christmas music?" If it really bothers you, get them to
put some Jewish holiday music in the bins.

 Alana Suskin

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