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Re: anti-Semitic music...

How about those mentally-challenged folk in "Public Enemy"?

robert wiener wrote:

> Simon,
> You're right on with the Michael Jackson.
> I'll have to check to do some research to see if that particular rap
> album included such material.  I know that others did.
> I asked for more information because I've been on the look-out for
> anti-Semitic music developing a program on it.  There's a dilemma
> here.  On the one hand I think that we should be aware of such
> material so that we can be on guard.  On the other hand I hate the
> idea of buying it (and thereby giving the creators/producers money for
> it) and giving it an airing.
> On balance, I think that in the right context it would serve a
> positive purpose.  After all, the Wiesenthal Center has similar
> exhibits.
> Unfortunately, I've found more material (in popular and classical
> music) than any of us would like, largely through the print media, the
> ADL, or by word of mouth.  Part of the problem in such a program is
> whether to include material created by Jews (mostly comedy) that might
> be construed as anti-Semitic (e.g., "Springtime for Hitler" and "Jap
> Rap").
> Bob
> P.S. If anyone thinks that this is not a suitable topic for the group
> to discuss, please respond privately (or not at all).  In any case, I
> would appreciate help in identifying anti-Semitic material,
> particularly if it is from contemporary genres of music with which I
> wouldn't be familiar (e.g., rap).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com <Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com>
> To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> Date: Thursday, December 17, 1998 1:41 PM
> Subject: Re: Chanukah Song
> >
> >In a message dated 12/16/98 5:26:00 PM, you wrote:
> >
> ><<
> >
> >You wrote that 5 years ago there were alot of very anti-Semitic songs
> >
> >on the radio.  I'm not a listener to popular radio.  Can you tell me
> >
> >the names of any of them?
> >
> >>>
> >
> >They were Rap records, I don't listen to that "musick" either, and I
> can't
> >tell you the names of the tunes now, but there was a lot of Hoopla in
> the
> >press about it. I think one of the anti-Jewish songs was on the 'Cop
> Killer"
> >record."Gee, isn't THAT a great title for a Christmas gift, you know,
> good
> >will to men and all of that).
> >
> >Even Michael Jackson  used the expression "Jew me" to mean 'cheat me'
> on one
> >of his recording about 2 or 3 years ago.  I called his agent and
> talked to him
> >, rather bluntly, for over 20 min.---both barrels. Eventually,
> because of all
> >the negative press, the song was pulled from the CD-(I beleive the CD
> might
> >have been called "HIStory") and another lyric was substituted.
> >
> >Simon
> >Hatikvah Music
> >

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