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anti-Semitic music...


You're right on with the Michael Jackson.

I'll have to check to do some research to see if that particular rap
album included such material.  I know that others did.

I asked for more information because I've been on the look-out for
anti-Semitic music developing a program on it.  There's a dilemma
here.  On the one hand I think that we should be aware of such
material so that we can be on guard.  On the other hand I hate the
idea of buying it (and thereby giving the creators/producers money for
it) and giving it an airing.

On balance, I think that in the right context it would serve a
positive purpose.  After all, the Wiesenthal Center has similar

Unfortunately, I've found more material (in popular and classical
music) than any of us would like, largely through the print media, the
ADL, or by word of mouth.  Part of the problem in such a program is
whether to include material created by Jews (mostly comedy) that might
be construed as anti-Semitic (e.g., "Springtime for Hitler" and "Jap


P.S. If anyone thinks that this is not a suitable topic for the group
to discuss, please respond privately (or not at all).  In any case, I
would appreciate help in identifying anti-Semitic material,
particularly if it is from contemporary genres of music with which I
wouldn't be familiar (e.g., rap).

-----Original Message-----
From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com <Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Thursday, December 17, 1998 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Chanukah Song

>In a message dated 12/16/98 5:26:00 PM, you wrote:
>You wrote that 5 years ago there were alot of very anti-Semitic songs
>on the radio.  I'm not a listener to popular radio.  Can you tell me
>the names of any of them?
>They were Rap records, I don't listen to that "musick" either, and I
>tell you the names of the tunes now, but there was a lot of Hoopla in
>press about it. I think one of the anti-Jewish songs was on the 'Cop
>record."Gee, isn't THAT a great title for a Christmas gift, you know,
>will to men and all of that).
>Even Michael Jackson  used the expression "Jew me" to mean 'cheat me'
on one
>of his recording about 2 or 3 years ago.  I called his agent and
talked to him
>, rather bluntly, for over 20 min.---both barrels. Eventually,
because of all
>the negative press, the song was pulled from the CD-(I beleive the CD
>have been called "HIStory") and another lyric was substituted.
>Hatikvah Music

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