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Re: Jews performing Christian holiday music

ok, this conflict has caused me to post a messege on here. What I think 
that people are saying about Jews and Christian music is appaling. I got 
this one E-mail saying crapsmas music. what is that all about. 

I do aggree, Jews proforming Christian music in churches is a little 
against everything. But some people have totally put down the christain 
religion which I thiknk is very wrong. Yes, being a Jew I do think that 
people do need to realize more that there are Jewish people are in their 
midst. But I have heard some things that I totally don't agreee with. We 
are g-d's chosen people and we are not hear to judge other religions. 

My Grandfather was in the holocoust and he luckily survived. Due to 
Christain families. Like I have heard someone else say on this fourm. 
Jesus is the savior for Christains and let that be. We believe what we 
believe. they believe what they beleive. 

I have many Gentile friends and I have many Jewish friends. I even have 
Messianic Jewish Friends.I guess this is why I am kinda touchy about 
this kinda subject. My Messinic friends are not different than you or 
me. they celebrate the same Jewish holidays as me or you, and it all 
still means the same thing to them. but they also celebrate the 
christain holidays, that doesn't make them christain, does it? 

Yes I think that it is wrong for Jews to sing songs in Churches cause 
that is going against our religion. But all I am saying is that you need 
to respect other peoples way that they worship. I myself am a 
conservative Jew and so were my freinds before they became messanic. 
they still consider themselves conservative. I dont know if I agree 
aboiut that, because they believe somthing different then us Jews but I 
still think that they can remain Jews. 

I hold my Jewish faith dear to me and I am a very religious person, and 
I don't nessicarly agree with what the christains believe but that fact 
that Jesus was a Jew makes you kinda think about it huh. People say that 
the Christains attacked us in the Jewish bible. but the fact is that the 
Jews attacked the Christains and JC. I am not saying that Jesus is 
Christ cauz that is not my faith  I am saying why are people making such 
a big deal about this Jesus thing wwhen it has nothing to do with 
anything that we are talking about. plus havn't you evey questioned if 
you faith was right considering that Jesus was a Jew. that makes him no 
different that us. Therefore , you going around totally affending 
Christain religion makes you also affending your religion too. cauz 
Jesus was a Jew and therefore you are also affending your religion. 
Judaism, becuase we are the same. 

I am saying that we are gods people and we are to live the way god would 
want us to live, and cerianly dissing other peoples belifes is not the 
way. Tthis  is my view. I think that Jew's can listen to Christain music 
if they want. does that mean that they are converting? I love Jewish 
music, I  have a whole 20 cd's of Jewish music. But they way you put it 
you make it sound like the whole Christain belief is out to distroy us. 
Which they are not. Therefore we should not attack them with our 
theroms. I have to go light my 4th Hanukkah candle, but I would be glad 
to talk about this subject with anybody, wether they agree with me or 
dissagree, I am here to listen to all. feel free to E-mail me privatly. 
I would be glad to talk about this subject and and open to all veiws.


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