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Re: Klezmer

In a message dated 8/10/98 5:45:18 AM, you wrote:

>I'm wearing out my Statman LPs with his mando playing. Any other music

I have a suggestion that isn't Jewish, but it's a record of stuff that was
remastered by, I think, David Grisman -- I'm not sure cuz I have it on an
unlabeled tape. But it's some incredibly beautiful Argentine mandolin
performed by this guy Jacobo Bandolim -- this should be enough info to lead
you close to it, anyway. It's so so so worth a listen, mensch.

The Berlin klezmer band, La'om -- none of whom are Jewish but all of whom are
excellent musicians with the utmost respect for Jewish music -- have some
superb mandolinmanship on their recordings. Their mandolin player's name is
Carsten Schelp, and his email address is c(dot)shelp (at) t-online(dot)de for 
more info.

And let's not forget anything and everything you can find featuring the
amazing Jeff Warschauer.

As for early recordings, I'm sure others on this list have a more encyclopedic
knowledge than I. 

Happy listening!

jeff dorchen

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