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Peter Lippman arrested in Kosovo

Many people on the Jewish-music list may know, or know of, Peter Lippman. 
He has been arrested in Kosovo. (See the information below as forwarded by
his brother, Roger Lippman.)

Peter is, among other things, a musician.  He was a co-founder and very
much an initiator--if not *the* initiator--of the first klezmer band in the
Pacific NW, the Seattle-based Mazel Tov Klezmer Band, in which he was the
first of two trumpet players. (The band broke up in 1983, and is not to be
confused with the later group "The Mazeltones.")  I was privileged to play
with Peter in MTKB.

He is a former member of the NYC-based Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band. 
Peter also plays Turkish saz, Yugoslav tambura, etc.

Peter is also a political activist, an excellent writer, a wit, and a
really great guy.

He had gone to Bosnia last Sept. to help observe the elections. More
recently, he has been working as a translator for a press agency in Bosnia.
 Just a few days ago, he went to Kosovo.

Below is some info on whom to contact about his arrest and detention.

Sandra Layman

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:   Roger Lippman, INTERNET:terrasol (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org
DATE:   21-03-98 23:29

RE:     News of Peter's arrest

Hi everyone,

Here's what's happening.  -Roger.

> Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 20:36:07
> To: Peaceworkers Board
> From: Peaceworkers <peaceworkers (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org
> Subject: Americans arrested 
> Cc: Kosova Support Cambridge, Kosov@ support SF
> Five American citizens were arrested today by Serbian police in
> Kosova, and were sentenced to 10 days in jail.  The five were members of
> American peace team visiting Prishtina to observe the nonviolent student
> protests. The charge was failure to register with local police.  The
> previous day an American journalist, Peter Lippman, was also arrested and
> jailed for the same charge.
> The team is led by David Hartsough, the Executive Director of
> who has been involved for 2 years with the nonviolent movement in Kosova.
> The delegation consisted of Daniel Perez, Teresa Crawford, Bruce Hemmer,
> and Albert Cevallos. The student delegation is a joint effort of
> Peaceworkers and Crabgrass.  The group went to Kosova on March 10 to
> planned student demonstrations scheduled for March 13, 1998.  The
> students were demanding the right to gain access to the university.  
> Peaceworkers called the American office of the State Department in
> and spoke with Richard Miles, the Charge d'Affairs.  He could assure us
> that his Counsel General (Gilbert Sperling) was with David and the
> at their hearing.  The law on which the were tried is rarely enforced.
> Mr. Sperling and the State Department in Belgrade continue to work with
> local police authorities and all other officials to obtain releases for
> delegation.
> Peaceworkers is a nonprofit organization that provides support of
> nonviolent movements and local peacemakers in conflict areas throughout
> world.  Peaceworkers is invited by local groups who are working to create
> civil societies with democratic institutions.  
> People are urged to contact their local congressional representatives,
> 1-800-522-6721, and President Clinton to express their concern about this
> situation at 202-456-1111.  Local call-in stations are also venues for
> expressing your concern.  Also polite e-mails or telegrams to Slobadon
> Milosovic requesting release of the delegation would be helpful.  His
> address is:  slobodan(dot)milosevic (at) gov(dot)yu, fax number is
> or (682) or (167).
> 721 Shrader St.
> San Francisco, CA 94117 USA
> Phone and fax 415-751-0302
> email PEACEWORKERS (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org

Please send an e-amil message to Milosevic - something like this:

Please immediately release from jail the six American peace workers
March 20 and March 21 in Pristina, Kosovo.  Their names are 
        Peter Lippman
        David Hartsough
        Daniel Perez
        Teresa Crawford
        Bruce Hemmer
        Albert Cevallos.

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