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Peter Lippman arrested in Kosovo

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>Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 17:47:02 -0500
>From: Sandra Layman <sandl (at) compuserve(dot)com>
>Many people on the Jewish-music list may know, or know of, Peter Lippman.=
> =
>He has been arrested in Kosovo. (See the information below as forwarded b=
>his brother, Roger Lippman.)
>Peter is, among other things, a musician.  He was a co-founder and very
>much an initiator--if not *the* initiator--of the first klezmer band in t=
>Pacific NW, the Seattle-based Mazel Tov Klezmer Band, in which he was the=
>first of two trumpet players. (The band broke up in 1983, and is not to b=
>confused with the later group "The Mazeltones.")  I was privileged to pla=
>with Peter in MTKB.
>He is a former member of the NYC-based Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band. =
>Peter also plays Turkish saz, Yugoslav tambura, etc.
>Peter is also a political activist, an excellent writer, a wit, and a
>really great guy.
>He had gone to Bosnia last Sept. to help observe the elections. More
>recently, he has been working as a translator for a press agency in Bosni=
> Just a few days ago, he went to Kosovo.
>Below is some info on whom to contact about his arrest and detention.
>Sandra Layman
>---------- Forwarded Message ----------
>From:   Roger Lippman, INTERNET:terrasol (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org
>DATE:   21-03-98 23:29
>RE:     News of Peter's arrest
>Hi everyone,
>Here's what's happening.  -Roger.
>> Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 20:36:07
>> To: Peaceworkers Board
>> From: Peaceworkers <peaceworkers (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org
>> Subject: Americans arrested =
>> Cc: Kosova Support Cambridge, Kosov@ support SF
>> =
>> Five American citizens were arrested today by Serbian police in
>> Kosova, and were sentenced to 10 days in jail.  The five were members o=
>> American peace team visiting Prishtina to observe the nonviolent studen=
>> protests. The charge was failure to register with local police.  The
>> previous day an American journalist, Peter Lippman, was also arrested a=
>> jailed for the same charge.
>> =
>> The team is led by David Hartsough, the Executive Director of
>> who has been involved for 2 years with the nonviolent movement in Kosov=
>> The delegation consisted of Daniel Perez, Teresa Crawford, Bruce Hemmer=
>> and Albert Cevallos. The student delegation is a joint effort of
>> Peaceworkers and Crabgrass.  The group went to Kosova on March 10 to
>> planned student demonstrations scheduled for March 13, 1998.  The
>> students were demanding the right to gain access to the university.  =
>> =
>> Peaceworkers called the American office of the State Department in
>> and spoke with Richard Miles, the Charge d'Affairs.  He could assure us=
>> that his Counsel General (Gilbert Sperling) was with David and the
>> at their hearing.  The law on which the were tried is rarely enforced.
>> =
>> Mr. Sperling and the State Department in Belgrade continue to work with=
>> local police authorities and all other officials to obtain releases for=
>> delegation.
>> =
>> Peaceworkers is a nonprofit organization that provides support of
>> nonviolent movements and local peacemakers in conflict areas throughout=
>> world.  Peaceworkers is invited by local groups who are working to crea=
>> civil societies with democratic institutions.  =
>> =
>> People are urged to contact their local congressional representatives,
>> 1-800-522-6721, and President Clinton to express their concern about th=
>> situation at 202-456-1111.  Local call-in stations are also venues for
>> expressing your concern.  Also polite e-mails or telegrams to Slobadon
>> Milosovic requesting release of the delegation would be helpful.  His
>> address is:  slobodan(dot)milosevic (at) gov(dot)yu, fax number is
>> or (682) or (167).
>> =
>> 721 Shrader St.
>> San Francisco, CA 94117 USA
>> Phone and fax 415-751-0302
>> email PEACEWORKERS (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org
>Please send an e-amil message to Milosevic - something like this:
>Please immediately release from jail the six American peace workers
>arrested =
>March 20 and March 21 in Pristina, Kosovo.  Their names are =
>        Peter Lippman
>        David Hartsough
>        Daniel Perez
>        Teresa Crawford
>        Bruce Hemmer
>        Albert Cevallos.

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