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Re: Royte Klezmorim. Voo zaynen zey ?

Correction try 0171 607 2439 for Royte Klezmores.

At 21:11 27/01/98 +0000, JONATHAN M ROSS wrote:
>I'm getting married in late June and my fiancee (a Turkish Moslem) and I
>(a British Jew) would love to have a klezmer band playing, as well as some
>Turkish music and dance. Unfortunately, es zaynen do nit keyn sach
>klezmorim on this island, but one group who we do know about are an
>all-women outfit called 'Royte Klezmores'. We saw them play last year at
>an event which seemed like a foretaste of our own wedding: it
>was an event organised by the London Anarchist Group (pardon the paradox)
>to raise money for the publication of the first Turkish translation of the
>works of the American Jewish anarchist Emma Goldman. The Royte Klezmorim
>were there, alongside the London Anarchist Choir and a Turkish-Cypriot
>folk-singer, and a great time was had by all. Does anyone out there know
>of some way of contacting the Royte Klezmorim, or of someone who might
>do, or even of other good but affordable klezmer bands in the UK.
>We'd appreciate any assistance you could give us.
>Cheers from London !
>Jonathan Ross
>Department of German
>King's College London

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