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Re: Royte Klezmorim. Voo zaynen zey ?

This is London calling !
To call London from outside the UK you have to dial the international
access code for your country (eg US is apparently 011) followed by the
code for the country, which is 44 for the UK, followed by 171 for central
London or 181 for the leafy suburbs, and then a seven digit number. If you
have the misfortune to already been in this land of chips and vinegar, you
can just dial 0171 or 0181 respectively.
Hope that makes things a bit clearer ! (I work as a part-time telephone
operator, whilst finishing a thesis on German-Jewish literature !)

Jonathan Ross

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Ari Davidow wrote:

> >On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, linden wrote:
> >
> >> Correction try 0171 607 2439 for Royte Klezmores.
> >
> >What is this string of numbers? It's not an email address...or a URL. How
> >exactly, ought one to use it?
> It looks like a phone number. I have a vague memory that "71" is 
> one of the area codes for London. I'm not sure what the "01" is--
> if you were dialing from outside the UK, you would surely dial
>    +44 71
> where ("+" is whatever you use to get access to international--
> here in the states, "011").
> ari

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