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Re: Royte Klezmorim. Voo zaynen zey ?

This a a UK London telephone number: I was replying to a request from the
London and did not see the see the point in putting in +44 (0)171 as is
normal for international communications. Do USA people bother putting in 00
for us!. 
Sorry if I caused you any confusion- but I am going down with 'flu here...

At 12:02 28/01/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, linden wrote:
>>> Correction try 0171 607 2439 for Royte Klezmores.
>>What is this string of numbers? It's not an email address...or a URL. How
>>exactly, ought one to use it?
>It looks like a phone number. I have a vague memory that "71" is 
>one of the area codes for London. I'm not sure what the "01" is--
>if you were dialing from outside the UK, you would surely dial
>   +44 71
>where ("+" is whatever you use to get access to international--
>here in the states, "011").

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