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Royte Klezmorim. Voo zaynen zey ?

I'm getting married in late June and my fiancee (a Turkish Moslem) and I
(a British Jew) would love to have a klezmer band playing, as well as some
Turkish music and dance. Unfortunately, es zaynen do nit keyn sach
klezmorim on this island, but one group who we do know about are an
all-women outfit called 'Royte Klezmores'. We saw them play last year at
an event which seemed like a foretaste of our own wedding: it
was an event organised by the London Anarchist Group (pardon the paradox)
to raise money for the publication of the first Turkish translation of the
works of the American Jewish anarchist Emma Goldman. The Royte Klezmorim
were there, alongside the London Anarchist Choir and a Turkish-Cypriot
folk-singer, and a great time was had by all. Does anyone out there know
of some way of contacting the Royte Klezmorim, or of someone who might
do, or even of other good but affordable klezmer bands in the UK.
We'd appreciate any assistance you could give us.
Cheers from London !

Jonathan Ross
Department of German
King's College London

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