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Re: RE: Nittl

Boy, Reyzl. I read Alex's retort to your comments below first, and, not
knowing what he was responding to, I thought his words a bit harsh. Now that
I've read your comments I think he was rather restrained. "Most of us know
each other"? What does that even mean? If most of you know each other then
some of you ought to take others of you down a peg. Or maybe there are some
whom you don't know -- maybe you'll meet one of them one day and realize the
utter error of your smug attitude.

I think you need to continue your education, as you are clearly a victim of
that proverbial dangerous thing: a little learning. If you don't know to what
proverb I'm alluding you should probably go into the ROTC, for which your
attitude and intellect is probably better suited.

Reading your comments I was embarrassed for you. 

You really need to be more circumspect. Undoubtedly, judging from your
attitude toward the "lay public", your work is garbage. I can't imagine an
ethnographer of any worth flashing his or her degree as if it indicated some
kind of privileged location re: the stories human beings tell, or even
knowledge about those stories. You sound as arrogant as Alan Bloom, one of the
most mentally ill scholars ever to abuse people ad hominum with his academic
credentials. Like you, he wielded them smugly as some kind of shibboleth. 

Truly illin'.

jeff dorchen
independent ethnopoeticist

In a message dated 12/29/97 1:45:58 AM, you wrote:

>Really????   I have heard very few people make such claims.   Most of us
>know each other.   Not everyone has an MA in Yiddish Linguistics and Folklore
>from Columbia U.    I do.
>I mind it when people make up some ethnographic bull, yours below included.  
>Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky 

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