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RE: Nittl

>So, what did they do in yeshivas in Eastern Europe when studying Tora was
>forbidden?   Simple. In the old days, toilet paper wasn't nice and soft, like 
>is today - old newspapers were used. So the yeshiva bochurs would spend 
>Christmas Eve cutting up newspapers to give the yeshiva the next year's 
>supply of toilet paper!

       Where did you get this Alex?    Nevah hoird of this activity for 
Christmas Eve.   
People stayed home and played cards, various games, nothing serious, but 
toilet paper-cutting --  what's your source for this joke? 

>Wishing y'all a Happy Hanuka. And if anyone would like to learn a good
>Nittl tune,
>write to me....clean language is preferred, of course.

Please send.

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky
a Jewish folklorist

From:  Alex Jacobowitz[SMTP:Alex_Jacobowitz (at) compuserve(dot)com]
Sent:  Wednesday, December 24, 1997 5:48 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  Nittl

B"H Munich

Well, since few people seem to know about it, I'd like to let you all know
a little secret...

There's a little-known Jewish holiday called "Nittl", which is customarily
celebrated on Christmas Eve.
In the old days, particularly in Eastern Europe, the Karma was considered
so bad on the night of 24 December that it became assur - ASSUR! - to 
study Tora on that night.  Of course, roving bands of hooligans on the prowl 
to beat up any Jews who may have been out and about may have 
contributed substantially to this negative Karma.

So, what did they do in yeshivas in Eastern Europe when studying Tora was
forbidden?   Simple. In the old days, toilet paper wasn't nice and soft, like 
is today - old newspapers were used. So the yeshiva bochurs would spend 
Christmas Eve cutting up newspapers to give the yeshiva the next year's 
supply of toilet paper!

So, you may ask - why am I writing to this list?

I'll tell you. 

In the old days, people would have wars of opinion in the newspapers.
Today, they have wars of opinion in their computers.

To the cantors who have written me:

"Hey, Cantors! Whatsa matta? Can't *cut* it?
Wipe yourselves on your PCs next time!"

Wishing y'all a Happy Hanuka. And if anyone would like to learn a good
Nittl tune,
write to me....clean language is preferred, of course.

Alex Jacobowitz

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