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RE: Nittl/ Lashon Hara

I think there's been enough of Lashon Hara (and other nastiness) on this
for now. Let's keep in mind that this is a Jewish list, right? That means:

Correcting others publicly (on the list forum) is aveira
Caling others names is aveira
 All these are at least malbat panim (whitening the face) and thus
I suppose if we must correct our neighbors, then the place to do it would
be privately (off list), however, given that it's reasonable to believe
that the beginning of all the posts that have incited such hateful talk
were meant pleasantly at least, and certainly not ill-intentioned,I think
we could probably all live without any of the correction at all.
Keep in mind that email is a difficult medium, because we can't read
intentions from physical cues, as there aren't any. So let's give each
other the benefit of the doubt and also, not be so sensitive. Heavens,
will it make a difference in your life ten years from now if you
successfully dictate that folklorists are professionals? Or cantors are?

Alana Suskin

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