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Re: Nitl (corrected spelling)

What total manure you just wrote on every line below, Alex.   Don't 
put out fakelore.   It's insulting and unfair if you were Jewish or not, 
a folklorist or not, a parent or a musician, speak Yiddish or Turkish 
fluently.  There are many people who don't know what Jews did on 
Christmas Eve and you shouldn't make stuff up about it.   Period.   
Elliot was not funny (though he just explained in a private letter of 
apology that he thought he was) and neither are you.

If you think you are a Jewish folklorist because you can make up 
fakelore, that's your problem Alex, not ours.   Anyone can call you 
on that, including professional Jewish folklorists.

>Reyzl, if you are a folklorist, you know that you owe the subject 
>matter to the people who created it.

No one owes anything to people who create bullshit.    

Subject is finished now.

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky

From:  Alex Jacobowitz[SMTP:Alex_Jacobowitz (at) compuserve(dot)com]
Sent:  Monday, December 29, 1997 2:41 AM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  RE: Nittl

B"H Lucerne, Switzerland

Uh, folks, is this turning down the same road as the cantor issue?
Folklorist or folklorist, Cantor or cantor - let's cut the "professionalism
at all costs" approach, please.

NONE of us are only what we do, no matter how many degrees we have. We are
mothers and brothers,
Jews and Gentiles, politicians and farmers, musicians and thinkers.

Reyzl, if you are a folklorist, you know that you owe the subject matter to
the people who created it.
And if someone wants to say that all Jews are folklorists, why not let
him-her have his-her opinion?
And frankly, YOU know that a Jew need not speak YIddish to tell a Jewish
joke, nor have a master's
from Columbia (wasn't there a Woody Allen joke about that ?) to tell a
Jewish story.

Would you, with your "professionalism", put all our mothers and fathers out
of a job, saying they may no longer teach their children Jewish folklore, 
that it must be left only in the hands of a professional?


Yes, friend Reyzl, we're all folklorists. Some will be better than others.
Accept the fact
that you've got a lot of competition.

Most importantly, just as with the Cantors, please recall that respect is
earned, not proclaimed.
G'head - tell us all a story, if you like - but be wary of making yourself
the heroine.

Happy Hanuka, all

>From the Swiss Catskills,
Alex Jacobowitz

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