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Re: Nitl (corrected spelling)

Hi Rezl!
I hope to stay out of all the "ad hominem" that both sides of this issue
have been subjecting the group to. The fact is, I was delighted to see
both your original messages re: Nit(t)l when I read my e-mail Motz'ei
Shabbat. I had eaten Shabbat lunch with a very learned orthodox Jew who,
with great delight, told all assembled about the hesitation re: studying
Torah on Christmas Eve and about both substitute activities -- tearing the
year's supply of toilet paper and card playing -- that were often recom-
mended or engaged in. Next time I see him I will try to discover the
source of his remarks. Incidentally, he attributed the Yiddish word "Nitl"
to the English/Latin Natal, referring to Christmas as Jesus's natal day.

Harvey Narrol
The more things change, 
the more they stay insane!

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