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Search for poem

Perhaps someone in this newsgroup has the answer to thi
lady's question.

--Larry Mayer

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Date sent:      Sun, 28 Dec 1997 15:33:27 -0500
From:           "Jacqueline E. Hess, MD" <jehrpd (at) massmed(dot)org>
To:             Lmayer (at) kusc(dot)usc(dot)edu
Subject:        Search for poem

I was given your e-mail addres by pb @ the jcn chat room because s/he
thought you might be a good resource.  I am looking for a poem that was
published some time ago - I saw it around thirty years ago and I believe
that at that time it was printed in Newsday - a now defunct NY
newspaper.  At any rate, it is about a little Jewish boy who wishes he
too had a Santa Claus.  Instead what appears to him is a giant flying
dreidel with a Moshe Dyan type character (patch over one eye) and takes
him for a round the world ride showing him that all cultures have
holidays and celebrations this time of year.
    If you know of this poem or know of any other resources that might help
me find it, I would greatly appreciate it.

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