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RE: Re: Cantors of Good Voice

Well said.  All I'd add is that this has been going on for millenia, and it is
perhaps why Judaism has survived longer than any other religion.  The tribes
fought each other once they had taken over the land.

IMHO, the diversity isn't a problem.  The problem is that some groups claim
that Judaism "has always been like this", meaning their particular set of
customs and interpretations of the Torah.  Then they declare all the rest of
us to be non-Jews.  This conflict is intensified now because it is tied to
Israeli politics, and the power and spoils that come from being part of that
country's government.

Is there anything new about politicians and governments claiming that God is
on their side?

I know that this message isn't on Jewish music.  I didn't start putting this
topic on this mail list, but I don't have to keep silent when others do, and
when they keep at it.  I won't do it again, unless I'm provoked again.

> From: Klezcorner (at) AOL(dot)COM (Klezcorner)
> Sender:       owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> Reply-to:     jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> To:   jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org (World music from a Jewish slant.)
> Over the 30 years I've been involved with Jewish music, I have heard and
> possibly every sort of debate about Cantors. Who is or is not a "real"
> who is great and who is overrated.  I have seen old European Jews
> come to blows in the store over whether Rosenblatt was better than
> or Sirota: not unlike the debate over whether The Beatles were better than
> Rolling Stones.
> Does the quality of a Cantor's voice affect the quality of the religious
> experience of the congregation? The following incident might shed a little
> light.
> Years ago, when we were dealing mostly with American pop and rock and roll,
> very old gentleman with a very thick Polish-Yiddish accent came up to the
> counter and put down 4 or 5 cassettes by Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt and said,
> "You know, I'm a Communist, I don't believe in God, Noh, Yossele Rossenblatt
> Vos De Grreatest Canteh In De Voild!"  
> Now, if a great Cantor can bring God to an atheist, don't you think
> that......????
> Enjoy The Music
> Simon
> Hatikvah Music
> Los Angels, Ca
> 213)655-7083

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