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Re: Cantors of Good Voice

Over the 30 years I've been involved with Jewish music, I have heard and seen
possibly every sort of debate about Cantors. Who is or is not a "real" cantor,
who is great and who is overrated.  I have seen old European Jews practically
come to blows in the store over whether Rosenblatt was better than Koussevitsy
or Sirota: not unlike the debate over whether The Beatles were better than The
Rolling Stones.

Does the quality of a Cantor's voice affect the quality of the religious
experience of the congregation? The following incident might shed a little

Years ago, when we were dealing mostly with American pop and rock and roll, a
very old gentleman with a very thick Polish-Yiddish accent came up to the
counter and put down 4 or 5 cassettes by Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt and said,
"You know, I'm a Communist, I don't believe in God, Noh, Yossele Rossenblatt
Vos De Grreatest Canteh In De Voild!"  

Now, if a great Cantor can bring God to an atheist, don't you think

Enjoy The Music
Hatikvah Music
Los Angels, Ca

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