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Re: Klezmer/Jazz

>Sorry to ask, perhaps I missed the original message, but there have been a
>number of references made to an upcoming Klezmer Festival at the Knitting
>Factory (NYC). Could someone post or re-post the details (dates,
>performers, etc.)?? I tried the KF web site but couldn't get any info on
Then click on "Klezmer Festival."

Starting December 24th, as that other holiday nears, the Knitting
Factory in NYC presents four days of avant-Jewish music. With the
exception of the Klezmatics and the New Orleans Klezmer Allstars
(and some would argue with me even there) I don't think that these
bands are anywhere near the klezmer, er, mainstream. But, whew!
What a selection.

On the 24th: New Orleans Klezmer Allstars (9pm), followed by 
   Andy Statman (10pm)
On the 25th: Two bands I don't recognize, culminating with 
   Hasidic New Wave at 11pm. (Charming Hostess might be the
   band that Daniel Boyarin's daughter or daughter-in-law is in)
On the 26th: Two bands that really should perform together: 
   Naftule's Dream and Paradox Trio, followed or preceded by
   Brad Shepik, with whom I am unfamiliar.
On the 27th: The Klezmatics
On the 28th, not part of the festival, but the calendar indicates
the Dutch klez-jazz band, Klezmokum.

Quite a series, for those who like that sort of thing (then 
this is definitely a very inclusive set of that sort of thing).


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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