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Re: Klezmer/Jazz

Jeff --

I would also suggest a listen to the Paradox Trio. Matt Darriau, their
reedplayer and putative leader, is a jazz musician by training and
inclination (one of his other gigs is with a post-bop big band from
Boston called Orange Then Blue). They play a very hot mix of Eastern
European, Middle Eastern and klezmer influences with a lot of post-bop
jazz underlying it all. Live they really blow the roof off the house; I
think their studio stuff so far is very nice, but it misses some of the
intensity of their live sets.

-- George Robinson
"And it does no harm to repeat, as often as you can, 'Without
me the literary industry would not exist: the publishers, the
agents, the sub-agents, the sub-sub-agents, the accountants,
the libel lawyers, the departments of literature, the professors
the theses, the books of criticism, the reviewers, the book
pages -- all this vast and proliferating edifice is because
of this small, patronized, put-down and underpaid person.'"
                        --Doris Lessing

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