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Re: Klezmer/Jazz

>I'm new to this list. Looks interesting. I'm a big fan of the current wave
>of Klezmer/jazz artists, including John Zorn's Masada, New Orleans Klezmer
>All-Stars, New Klezmer Trio, Hasidic New Wave, and others. Has anyone heard
>anything about the Knitting Factory's Klezmer festival in NYC? I saw
>something about it on their web page ( but
>it didn't have too many details.

I'm the klezmer nut, although, it sounds as though you are
less interested in klezmer in general, than in klezmer-derived
avant garde-ish stuff--which is not a complaint, just a notice
that klezmer is broader than what you are mentioning (some of
which could more kindly be called "post-klezmer" ;-)).

Last year I tried to organize a ride from KlezKamp to the klezmerfest
at the Knitting Factory. This led to that well-known cry, "next
year at the Knitting Factory," sometimes paraphrased differently
at the Passover seder.

Given the good company you keep, I am surprised that you haven't
also mentioned Naftule's Dream, a band that is among my personal
favorites. You can find their most recent release at

Oh, and welcome to the list!


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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