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I'm new to this list. Looks interesting. I'm a big fan of the current wave
of Klezmer/jazz artists, including John Zorn's Masada, New Orleans Klezmer
All-Stars, New Klezmer Trio, Hasidic New Wave, and others. Has anyone heard
anything about the Knitting Factory's Klezmer festival in NYC? I saw
something about it on their web page ( but
it didn't have too many details.
Anyway, that's about all for now...It's good to see that there are others
interested in Jewish music.


Jeff Wasserman                           Franklin & Marshall College '99

"The experience of playing improvised music in front of an audience is very
special. We find ourselves able to do things live that we could never do in
any other setting. The audience is the catalyst that creates energy and
often causes magic to happen...Human beings' reaction time is so fast -- no
machine or computer can do what a musician does, listening intently and
reacting to what is heard instantly. And that's what live music is about --
one moment in time, shared by the artists on stage and the people in the
                                                --Bela Fleck

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