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Re: Re: Welcome to the Three Weeks

Alex Jacobowitz wrote:
> Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 15:57:44 -0400
> From: Alex Jacobowitz <Alex_Jacobowitz (at) compuserve(dot)com>
> ....
> There are a lot of loose
> musical canons (now THERE'S a mixed metaphor) ....
> ...

I love the metaphor, and I can't help being reminded of a performance we
did as part of an interfaith/benefit concert at National Cathedral in
Wash., DC.  (2,000 goyim of the widest assortment, dancing in the aisles
to Nacht Gan Eden/Zarah Chayah...wild).  The cathedral is a modern
version of Gothic architecture, with lots of carvings everywhere, and
replete with inside jokes.  One of the doorways into the main sanctuary
is called the Canons' Gate, and carved around the doorway are tiny,
1812-Overture-style cannons.

I hope my comments haven't hurt anyone;  Alex, thank you for your kind
words, and be well.


Michael Singer                     1-301-340-4674, FAX 1-301-340-4576 
Bass, Capital Klezmers                      mailto:michaels (at) 
Statements &                        mailto:michael(dot)singer (at) 
opinions expressed here are mine and don't reflect the views of GEIS.

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