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Re: Welcome to the Three Weeks

>> The Rabbis say no, that PLAYING music is allowed for reasons of 'parnassa'
>> (livelihood),
>> but that the ban on LISTENING to music applies to everyone else. This means
>> that musicians
>> should not listen to music for PLEASURE during these three weeks, but are
>> allowed to play
>> professionally, but the general (Jewish) public should not hear music at
>> all.

Does this mean that we are allowed to listen to music that we don't like?

If a musician plays something that he likes is he allowed to enjoy himself
or would it be better to play badly so that there is no chance for the
player to enjoy making music. Or would it be better if he just doesn't
listen to himself, or his musical collaborators??

Remember musicians, entertainers and ball players are the only
professionals that talk about play rather than work.

Eric Goldberg

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