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Re: Welcome to the Three Weeks

B"H Luzern, Switzerland

Thank you, Michael, for bringing up some VERY important points. First of
all, I'm not making any
claims for being a Posek. From my point of view, though, the Halacha I was
quoting is as basic
knowledge for any Orthodox Jewish musician as not driving a car on Shabbos.

I didn't want to 'burden' the Kehilla (jewish-music) with various quotes of
rabbinical authorities where these quotes might not be welcome, preferring
to take the flack, if any, myself. There are a lot of loose 
musical canons (now THERE'S a mixed metaphor) out there who might use
vulgar language or worse
in deriding Jewish Law, and since my presence in this group is not exactly
greeted in all corners, 
I thought the more circuitous route to be the more efficacious. I am
certainly no one to be setting
examples for my fellow Jews, but thought it better to mention the Three
Weeks since no one else 
had brought up the subject. Of course, Consult Your Local Orthodox Rabbi,
by all means. Forgive me
for barging in.

Sources for the relevant Halachas are available upon request.

Shalom u'vracha,

Alex Jacobowitz

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